Purpose: Extraordinary Ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion (EMHC) are properly formed, instructed and commissioned lay persons. EMHCs may be male or female. These ministers are appointed for a given parish community to aid in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and homebound when ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are unavailable. EMHCs are not to function apart from their parish community. Ordinarily, EMHCs do not perform any other liturgical ministry at the Mass at which they serve as an EMHC.
Commitment: The Eucharistic Ministers are divided into six teams. They are expected to serve as many Masses as possible with that team.
When the situation requires, the presider of the Mass may call upon members of the faithful who are not EMHCs to aid him in the distribution of Holy Communion on that one occasion. Those called must be Catholics in good standing who are themselves able to receive the Eucharist.
Selection Criteria: For a person to be appointed as an EMHC, the following conditions must be met:
Be a Catholic living in harmony with the teachings of the Church and beable to receive the Eucharist
Be of sufficient age and maturity to perform the duties of an EMHC atMass or to the sick and homebound in various locations (i.e. privatehomes, nursing homes, hospitals)
Formation and Training: Prior to beginning their ministry, EMHCs should be formed and trained in the following:
Theology of the Eucharist and understanding of the Mass
Theology and spirituality of ministry
Universal church, archdiocesan and parish guidelines and procedures for their ministryEMHCs should participate in ongoing theological and ministerial formation at the parishand/or Archdiocesan level.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend Masses (on a rotating basis), major holidays of the year and special occasions.