Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA
Call Parish Office: 440-442-3410
Conversion, a gradual process:
+ The RCIA as a rite, marks stages along the path to full commitment in the Roman Catholic Church; the RCIA as a process, describes in broad terms what this gradual commitment means.
+ The RCIA as formation gradually looks to the inner transformation of the individual to God's call as given week by week in the lectionary of Scripture readings. It also looks to Sunday Eucharist and to the gradual transformation of the person to become an active member of Saint Paschal Baylon Roman Catholic Church.
+ Catechumens and Candidates meet every Sunday after celebrating the liturgy with the Saint Paschal Baylon Community to further pray over the Sunday Scriptures. This also includes a weekly study session to familiarize everyone with the doctrines and teachings of the Church. Every person has a Catholic sponsor who “walks with” the candidate, prays for him, and participates in the various blessings and rituals connected with the process of initiation.